Help pay health insurance for Persons Living with Disability like Andrew Owino who also needs a surgical operation for the growth on his chin.

For Only $60, one Person Living With Disability (PWD) gets a year’s health care.


The incredible story of how effective, sustainable development is, in fact, possible. A beautiful and compelling short film from rural, western Kenya.

How We Do It

All of the on-the-ground work is led and driven by locals. Our approach creates sustainable change. We listen, respect, teach, support, and find resources to accomplish their community and individual goals.

Our Approach ›

What We Are Doing

We are a catalyst for sustainable organic agriculture and agribusinesses in Western Kenya. We also build supportive community infrastructure such as clean water and a cooperative marketing platform. Learn more about what we are up to right now.

Current Projects ›


Where You Fit In

Collaboration is key to everything we do. If you share our values, appreciate our approach, and believe real change is happening...join us in any number of ways!

Join Us ›


with Colorado Gives Day (364)

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